AMC Lions

The Archangel Michael Church LIONs (Long Island Orthodox Networking) group was formed with the goal of connecting young adults, college students, high school juniors and seniors with fellow parishioners to gain professional career advice, networking experience, and to stay connected with our parish.

Our mission is to develop and foster a professional and personal connection between the Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church’s younger members and its more experienced members to: promote a culture of service, leadership and opportunity; share information, experiences and knowledge, offer advice, actionable steps, programs and events to successfully navigate and advance their academic and professional journeys; and to pay it forward for others along the way.

Click here to view the AMC LIONS framework.

Over the years, we have hosted professionally diverse panels of speakers who shared their experiences and journeys with the audience. These networking events allow our young adults to ask questions and informally explore different occupations with mentors from our AMC community. We’ve had lawyers, architects, entrepreneurs, investment managers, doctors, teachers, pharmacists, marketing experts, technology consultants, accountants, electricians, our clergy, engineers, speech therapists, designers, and many others attend our events. The goal is to grow our database for mentors and mentees and then facilitate fruitful interactions in the future. Our calendar includes a marquee networking event in January, a graduation event for High School and College students in June, and smaller workshops throughout the year to help students develop resumes and interview skills, find internships or shadowing opportunities, and facilitate interaction with their mentors.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor please email

Additional resources: About OCF | Orthodox Christian Fellowship