Stewardship is the personal and financial contribution parishioners make to support the operation of our Church.

Stewardship funds pay for the operating expenses of our Church, including essential services such as utilities, insurance, maintenance, snow removal and items such as supplies and postage. Stewardship funds pay for the annual mandatory assessment by the Archdiocese, which can be over 10% of the annual budget. Stewardship funds also contribute to the payment of salaries for the clergy and the Church staff.

The budgeted expenses this year are approximately $1,000,000. Like other nonprofit institutions, our Church operates on a breakeven basis, which means that 100% of revenues are used to pay 100% of the expenses.

Our Church has approximately 620 stewards/families. That equates to roughly $1,600 per Stewardship pledge, based on the budgeted expenses of $1,000,000.

Only about 60% of our expenses are currently covered by Stewardship.

Mostly from fundraising and special events, including the Golf Outing and Super Raffle. If more of our operating expenses were covered through Stewardship contributions, we could eliminate our dependence on some of the many fundraisers that we rely on!

Stewardship is based on encouraging each steward/family to give according to their means. We are all called to give what we can. As noted above, the average annual cost per family to operate the Church is approximately $1,600. On a monthly basis, that is less than $135/month. If you can financially accommodate an increase in your Stewardship, please consider doing so. Even an extra $100 per year amounts to only $8.33/month.

Stewardship should be whatever one can afford to donate based on one’s means. Historically, a $650 minimum Stewardship contribution has been suggested for families who also register for educational, athletic and other youth activities, but this amount is significantly less than the funds that are necessary to support the operating needs of the Church that are outlined above. A more appropriate figure may be to consider giving 1% of your annual income.

We ask that Stewardship pledges and contributions be made as early in the year as possible. This allows us to more effectively manage our expenses throughout the year. In addition, an early start would be an ideal time to consider a monthly payment plan to assist the Church in fulfilling its financial obligations while affording you the ability to space your contribution over the course of the year.

Festival revenues are allocated to the non-operating needs of our Church. These include the completion of construction, capital improvements of the complex and the monthly payment of principal and interest on the Church’s mortgage.

Most fees collected by these organizations cover their own annual expenses (Athletics, HOPE/JOY and GOYA) as well as salaries, supplies, and materials (Greek and Nursery Schools). These groups do generate some funds that help offset operating costs, but these amount to only a small fraction of the facility’s overall operating expenses.