Great Lent Retreat

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“Written for Our Instruction” (1 Corinthians 10:11):  Reflections on the place of Scripture in our Church and in our Lives

The Fathers of the Church wrote thousands of sermons and homilies and theological treatises, and the vast majority of their writings were devoted to one topic – the interpretation of the Bible.  We as Orthodox often neglect this fact, but our faith will be enriched if we consider more carefully and deeply our relationship with the Holy Scriptures.  We often imagine that biblical study is something alien to our faith, or something that other faiths engage in, but not the Orthodox.  To be sure, there is a particular approach to the Bible in the Orthodox Church, which is different from other faiths, but the Bible is central to all we do and think and live. These lectures will help us to understand how biblical study will enrich and deepen our Orthodox Christian faith.

Click here for more details.

Fr. George Parsenios is Dean and Professor of New Testament at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Prior to his time at Holy Cross, he taught for 20 years at Princeton Theological Seminary as Professor of Greek and New Testament, where his research and teaching focused on the interaction of early Christianity with ancient literature and society.  He is the author of three books and several essays on New Testament themes. He and his wife, Presvytera Maureen, have three children.