
Register For GOYA Today on Realm


GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America)

Greek Orthodox Youth of America (“GOYA”) is a youth organization for ages 13-18. The teens meet regularly and participate in social, religious, athletic and philanthropic activities throughout the year. Inter-GOYA activities promote fellowship between the youth of neighboring Greek Orthodox communities.




We look forward to another fabulous year in GOYA! September begins with Welcome Back Sunday, our Ice Cream Social, and our first meeting. We have many great events planned including service and outreach activities, continuing our Thanksgiving Baskets to families in need to our Midnight Run for the homeless. We will also have a lot of fun at our Inter-GOYA dances, trips, and retreats!

We welcome all new and returning GOYAns to attend these events and learn about the activities and events ahead.

GOYA also offers participation in organized basketball and volleyball through the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

Please contact goya@archangelmichaelchurch.org with any questions!


College-Bound GOYAns and OCF

The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. OCF is a growing ministry, vital to young adults who are looking for an Orthodox Christian community while in college. Visit ocf.net and navigate the site for registration, a list of campuses, available resources and retreat/event opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.

For GOYAns going off to college, please let us know where you are going so we can connect you to a campus ministry. Please call the church office at (516) 944-3180.